Anna Naturalista is a pioneer, speaker and expert consultant in the field of regenerative wellness, dedicated to the principles embodied in her inspiring quote,“Heal Thy Self ~ Heal The World.” As the creator of RegeniThrive Wellness Solutions, Anna’s mission is to make regenerative wellness Affordable, Attainable, and Accessible for everyone who seeks to improve their well-being Naturally!
Lifelong Experience and Passion
Anna was born into a modern Yogi family in Los Angeles and quickly embraced the teachings and its healing potential; then by the age of 8, she was literally thrown into her regenerative healing adventure by way of a severe injury. In her early twenties she then had a Near Death Experience that took her “several years to unpack.” And just 3 months later, was passenger in a car accident that had her walking with a cane for 7 years while regenerating her body from the inside – out, yet again.
Through her physical trauma and Spiritual connection, she developed a passionate curiosity about the body’s innate ability to heal itself and how this could be harnessed to benefit both individuals and the planet simultaneously. Over the years, she has immersed herself in the study of conventional and holistic health, accumulating extensive knowledge and wisdom that she now shares by implementing turn-key wellness centers into senior communities, executive office, retreat and resorts as well as residential homes.
Growing up with ancient wisdom teachings and some of the original trail-blazers of the Natural products movement; including greats such as Dr. Bernard Jensen, Christopher Hills and Emanuel Bronner. Along her miraculous journey, Anna has studied with many indigenous tribes included the Hopi Water Clan, Kogi, Lakota, Cherokee Nation and Mapuche’ Bird Clan and led a caravan of practitioners, Dr’s and healers to “Standing Rock” (2016) to set up a medic/healing tent that was absolutely critical in timing.
Having started college at the age of 11, Anna’s favorite geek zones are nano-biology, natural physics, and the emotional intelligence and
She has spent decades studying (certified in many) various healing modalities, from traditional practices like optimal nutrition and yoga to peptides and stem cell therapy and cutting- edge technologies of the highest innovative quality, backed by the most brilliant inventors and doctors in the world.
Her passionate expertise spans areas such as longevity, epigenetic, stem-cell therapy and other life-optimizing biologies that many refer to as bio-hacking, while Anna’s view and approach is much more refined, wholistic and easeful for the body to evolve most gracefully.