Regenerative Wellness Speaker
& Industry Advisor

RegeniThrive Wellness Systems

Life Optimization Solutions for:

Corporate & Executive Optimization

Senior Communities & Care Facilities

Spa, Resorts & Clinical Applications

Home, Family & elite athletes

Tea Time with Anna

Tea Time with Anna is a interactive, regenerative lifestyle podcast-variety show sharing briliant benefits, helpful tips, nutritious recipes and verified resources to make it accessible, affordable & attainable for You and your family to enjoy a healthy, happy life in harmony with Nature! 

Top 3 Keynote Speaking Topics

As a transformational Speaker focusing on regenerative lifestyle solutions specific to wellness technology, Anna offers a range of compelling keynote speeches designed to ignite creativity, foster collaboration, and drive actionable results.

Executive Optimization

Integrating Regenerative Wellness for Optimal Energy, Performance & Success. 
Benefits of optimizing employee wellness creates positive impact for the individual, their team and the company as a whole.    Implementing a revolutionary wellness circuit for optimal executive function,  comprehensive employee care and overall improved health, happiness & business.
Wholistic Ecosystem Improvements:   
* Employees experience better focus, more balanced energy, have positive mood, and clearer cognition.
Cost-effectiveness and potential for increased revenue through improved productivity
* Enhanced employee satisfaction and its impact on retention rates
* Improved company reputation and competitive advantage in talent acquisition
* Reduced healthcare costs and improved resource efficiency

RegeniThrive Wellness

What Is Regenerative Wellness & How It Differs. This is an “all of the above” type of answer. 
Based on the five Elements of Nature and the five phases of cellular regeneration,  when we work with the principles of creation, the outcome is better than we knew to expect.. every time. 
The RegeniThrive Wellness model represents this as a formula of optimal lifestyle and thriving wellness that is in harmony with nature. 
Attendees Experience:  
* Inspiring & Miraculous Healing Stories
* Expanded Wisdom of Regenerative Technologies
** Immediate Benefit** Education of Ancient Holistic Super Human Optimization Tips! 
* Learn just how attainable, affordable and accessible it is.
* Featured Recipe that compliments the Keynote.  

Revolutionizing Elder Care

By focusing on the top five solutions needed to improve senior wellness care, we also improve the top five business goals at the same time. 
Attendees will experience a wellness circuit of regenerative technologies and the immediate blissful sensation of what happy cells feel like; energized and calm at the same time. 
Key Benefits to Residents:
* Enhanced Mobility
* Increase Cognitive Health
* Emotional Well-being
* Relief from pain/ Reduced Inflammation
* Overall Imporved Physical Health
Key Benefits to Business:
* Improved Customer Wellness & Satisfaction
* Higher Social Standards
* Competitive Advantage
* Enhanced Revenue Streams
* Increased Operational Efficiency

Tea Time with Anna

Regenerative Lifestyle & Leadership Podcast

Anna Naturalista

Regenerative Solutions Speaker, Strategist & Advisor

Anna Naturalista, a Dynamic Transformational Leadership Speaker, offers compelling keynote speeches to ignite creativity, foster collaboration and drive actionable results. With expertise in healing, finance, and culture systems, Anna brings passion and knowledge to every event.









Additional Keynote Offerings

  • Building Regenerative Communities: The Future of Sustainable Living is Now!
  • Impact Investing: Financing the Regenerative Future
  • “Physics of Phinance” Biomimicry In Business Is Alive!
  • Regenerative Leadership: Inspiring Innovation and Collaboration 
  • Creating Sustainable Homes: Integrating Technology  to Live in Harmony with Nature. 
  • Home-ful Wholeness: A Family Guide to Regenerative Living. Revolutionize your home & life into a magically natural wonder land & wellness Sanctuary. 

How To Book Anna

Please submit the online booking form HERE and Anna’s  team will reach out to you soon to  ensure a seamless and customized  experience. 
You may also email us directly:

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